Fee Structure & Payment Schedule

SESSION 2025-26
Fee Head New Admission Old student
Registration charges 200
Admission fee 4300
Annual charge 3600 3600
Development fund 500
Caution money (Security) 1000

Tuition Fee

Class Monthly fee
Playway 1350
Pre-Nursery 1370
Nursery 1390
Kindergarten 1410
1st 1430
2nd 1450
3rd 1490
4th 1510
5th 1530

Examination fee of Rs 150 to be paid in the month of August & February .

Fee Payment Schedule

  1. The last date for payment of fee is 10th of every month.
  2. Fee for the month of May & June to be paid by 10th
  3. Fee for the month of December & January to be paid by 10th
  4. Fee for the month of February & March to be paid by 10th

Instructions for the payment of fee

  • Brother/Sister concession- Rs 50 per month in Tuition fees.
  • Parents have option to deposit the fee for any number of months in advance
  • The last date for payment of fee is 10th of every month. After 10th, fine of Re. 20 will be charged till 15th of the month. After 15th, fine at the rate of Rs. 5 per day will be charged till 25th of the month and after 25th the name of the student will be struck off in case fee has not been paid. It may please be noted that the office is not open during Summer Vacations/Autumn Break/ Winter Break
  • If the fees are not deposited till the last date as mentioned above the name of students will be struck off the rolls and the re-admission will be considered on the availability of seats and Rs. 1000/- extra shall be charged if re-admitted.

 Mode of payment

  • Through school website: You may visit our school website spschd.org and click on online fee payment.
  • By Cheque: Cheques are to be drawn in favour of “Sunrise Public School” with the admission number, name of the student, class & phone number on the back side of cheque. Payment by cheque without late fee will be accepted by 7th of the month. In case payment is made by cheque and cheque is dishonoured, a penalty or Rs 250 (over & above late fee) will be applicable.
  • At school counter: Parents can pay the fees at school counter.


**Above guidelines are subject to changes.